Below is the Blurb that was fired out to the Mayhemers!
After hauling our wares up and down the British
Isles over the
last three
years, the
Duck Smart
Wash Bay crew
are well
versed in
riders leave
events cleaner
than what they
Now through a twist of fate and a trigger spray full of luck, the 24 Hour Wash Bay facilities at this year’s Go Outdoors Mountain Mayhem will be helping you to not get quite as dirty in the first place.
Yep our Mud Slider aftercare product, which was created as a Water dispersant and mud sticking stopper for Motocross, has been discovered by some filthy little urchins to be a dab hand at reducing the build-up of mud, dirt and grime on Mountain bikes. These urchins have had some influence, as now Mud Slider is being used by all and sundry for that very same purpose throughout the industry.
Not only does it stop the dirt from sticking it means next time you come to clean your ride its tons easier.
Now here’s why we like it... as it makes cleaning easier next time round, we figure that when you tired rider folk drop by the wash bay in the early hours of the morn and wake us from our slumbers; 1 your bike will be lighter for us to lift, and 2 it won’t take half as long for us to clean, giving us more nap time. Everyone’s a winner.
So on that note, we encourage all you fair Mayhem folk to come visit us, this time, before your ride to apply some Mud Slider. Then after your stint, to clean up with some of our Foaming Earth Mover Bike Cleaner.
For more information on us, and our range of PH Neutral and great smelling cleaning products visit or search for us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram... as, yeah you got it ducksmart.
Seeya there for the Mayhem!