Yep we are on the ball and looking at next years sponsorship applications over the next 3 weeks, so if cleaning your riding Swag is your bag and you want to join the Team DS bunch of misfits now is the time to whack over an email application. As we already have an amazing crew of riders, racers and drivers there is only limited packages available in certain sports, as well as a number of support packages spanning the whole range but we would love to hear from you as we are a friendly bunch here and a great email could twist our arm to add you to the team. We pride our members on being a different breed. We love a podium as much as the next Duck, but that's just one part of it, as enjoying what you do, having fun with it, respecting your rivals and reveling in the challenge to us is what its all about. With all of the above in mind, hitting us with an email about winning this and that, I'm the don, yadda, yadda, yadda is not gonna appeal. Show us a bit of personality, make us laugh and yeah, hit us with some of you goals and riding achievements but don't go overboard with it. Ah yeah don't forget to tell us how you will promote Duck Smart as we love a bit of that.... Anyway over to you, and we look forward to hearing from yer so fire over an email in whatever style you think will give us a grin and a kick to
Ding Ding round 2 and all that, the MXGP Treatment winners weekend took place on the legendary slopes of the Asham Woods circuit near Frome which on memorable occasions in the past had been host to many an MX great. This time round it was the Final round of the British Evo Series alongside the Sidecar Clubmans champs and the chance for our comp winner Martin Foster to get on the track and put pay to the gremlins which halted his winners weekend after a practice malfunction that couldn't be rectified last time round.
With the well wishing, back slapping and handing over of the race kit, pit board, and other goodies out of the way last time round this time it was down to business & the serious stuff of the racing. C'mon can you imagine that from us?? Nay chance, full on banter, laughs and some old school male bonding was the order of the weekend, ah yeah and Martin surpassed his half a lap of practice last time and hit home with a full 3 laps and then 3 races to follow.
Team mechanic Steve (who has known and been going to MX with Martin since they were at college) used his pit board to full advantage and as well as some well informed motivational snippets, there was also a customary amount of MX cliches and witty remarks aplenty for good measure. On board his immaculate 1989 YZ125 Martin looked trick in his Thor race kit (thanks Madison), and we kept his bike looking tip top throughout without water, using our Smart N Ezee Waterless Cleaner & polish , Mud Slider for under the mudguards and some Kit Clean on his boots. With the suitably retro and legendary Oil brand, Bel-Ray (cheers Rapid) on board as a partner the machine was prepped and singing like a 2 smoker banshee should when racing a flat out on an old school beast of a track, and Martin was greeted by whoops & hollers from Team Duck on each lap. (I know your gonna ask this but nope there wasn't any girls on this occasion, they were booked and on their way for the first time but couldn't make it for attempt number 2). So with two weekend's to savour did the comp winner Martin enjoy his prize? Well your gonna have to wait a little bit until the vid comes out, but yep we reckon he did, and one things for sure we did and without doubt Martin and his best mate Steve were worthy winners of the competition and now classed as good friends rather than acquaintances.
We would like to say a big thanks to Nick from the Frome Motorcycle Club and his team for being so welcoming as well as Kevin Spencer of the British Evo Series who has been such a helpful host and great help throughout the two weekends.
Also massive thanks to our
distributors Madison and Rapid for supporting this weekend alongside Thor,
Bel-Ray, Torc1 and Risk Racing as well as our friends at Freestyle Extreme and
Print Shop Express. Also all of the members of Team DS who sent in their
good luck messages.
For more information on Duck Smart and our range of cleaning products visit
Keep your eyes out from October 2014 for next years competition and for your chance to enter and win!
If you missed it last time round here is the Good Luck messages we received for Martin.